Wii Drives


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Feedback is greatly appreciated, both positive and negative as long as it's contstructive and valid.
Tell me what you think of the system, data collection, improvements, new ideas, design issues, things like that.

PLEASE NOTE: Do not post troubleshooting or support questions. This is not a forum!

#1 - posted by (217.155.20*.*)2008-08-16 11:14:55
Great idea, nice site - have just created my own new Wii related site (www.wiistockcheckers.com) and know just how hard it is to get people to visit, etc!

Good luck with it, hope it goes well.

BTW, happy to do a link exchange with you if you like.

All the best!

#2 - posted by Ozmodchips (220.245.17*.*)2008-08-16 12:30:58
Thanks for this.
Was getting sick of nintendoscene not fixing their Database!
i will start filling up!

#3 - posted by (82.139.6*.*)2008-08-16 13:27:24
Awesome that you start a new wii drives data base!
Very help full!
I send mine ;)


#4 - posted by Fury69 (99.242.14*.*)2008-08-16 22:52:17
Great site, really great design and layout!

#5 - posted by (206.248.13*.*)2008-08-18 12:29:44
Looking good, great to see more people taking initiative.

#6 - posted by (81.77.20*.*)2008-08-22 20:53:30
How do i edit my entry on the database?

#7 - posted by (80.212.23*.*)2008-08-26 18:23:56
billygreen1973: If you entered an email address when you submitted the entry, just find the entry profile and click the Edit Entry link and fill in the email. You'll receive a mail with an edit link.

#8 - posted by (207.161.1*.*)2008-08-31 18:04:06
Great site since ninteno-scene is not updated anymore. More features here and added many already.

#9 - posted by MicksXboxMods (121.44.2*.*)2008-09-11 12:50:14
Awesome work guys!

Thanks to Ozmodchips for updating the Aussie database, lmk if you need a hand keeping this up to date for Oz Wii users.
Mick :)

#10 - posted by (213.140.1*.*)2008-10-01 18:26:52
the client don't work :(
version 1.1

#11 - posted by (82.239.22*.*)2008-10-10 22:15:10
The new site is just Great and so easy to use !

#12 - posted by (98.113.21*.*)2008-11-13 00:27:54
The DVD drive serial number doesn't have its last few characters censored. Could the censor be fixed?

#13 - posted by (61.247.22*.*)2008-11-25 12:53:22
Hi there !!

I recently purchased Nintendo Wii from India with GC2-D2E chip.
Model Number is RVL-001(UAE) which is not listed on your site by far.
Serial No is LMH100341706.

#14 - posted by (202.154.14*.*)2008-11-29 10:05:31
pls fix form help page, refers to xbox instead of wii at the bottom

#15 - posted by (152.71.6*.*)2009-01-20 18:19:51
I have wii
D2E chip covered in black resin. solid and will not remove with heat. The resin chips off but is very strong. I would not recommend trying to remove.
I just tried with various tools like drimmel. even this is too big for the job. Took a couple of hours but got the majority off. Makes the wiikey 2 clip not fit correctly, still it seated pretty good. However lights were not correct (constant red first) (then red blue constantly flashing)
DVD drive is dead even with chip removed. Must have shorted.
I recommend buying a replacement drive Pre-moddedwith this black resin.

#16 - posted by (151.82.16*.*)2009-11-05 18:10:13
I'll certainly collabore with the project...

great job!

Mod, Repairs, modchip installation and more...

#17 - posted by eXOBeX (91.108.13*.*)2009-11-29 02:26:40
"Lack of text on chip" doesn't seem to be a hard-and-fast D3-2 rule. EMBB-series drives with no text on the big chip still appear to be moddable, this was certainly the case with the one I did earlier (narrowing the gap between the D2E-equipped LEH2656 and D3-equipped LEH2676 by half a million - woohoo!)

#18 - posted by (24.23.22*.*)2009-12-04 04:29:51
I just installed a Drivekey on a Wii serial number LU3917989xx Menu 3.4 had no printing on main chip. Drivekey worked with flying colors. Original & backups

#19 - posted by (76.122.16*.*)2009-12-07 11:44:35
I see you have several diffrent colors for the each of the different types of chips on the main screen, that is fine.

However for the pie chart, could you make it simply 2 colors, red and green, or add a 2nd pie chart that is Red and Green. Green meaning % chance of being safe. Red meaning % chance that your system has a chip to stop the drive from recognizing the back-up disks.

Also "no drive chip" can be interpreted at least two different ways. (a) does not have the drive chip that contains D3-2. (b) chip contains the D3-2 so 'no drive' available for back-up disk use.

#20 - posted by (76.122.16*.*)2009-12-08 01:53:46
BTW great site. I'm glad you guys put this together. Its helping me locate a good older console that can read the back-up disk.... buying it for Christmas!
Keep up the good work.

#21 - posted by (62.65.21*.*)2010-02-04 10:03:13
what chip i needed mi wii details:Wii details:
Model number / region: RVL-001(EUR) / PAL
Serial: LEH2800XXXXX
Copyright year: 2006
DVD board serial: N/A
DVD controller: DC2-D3

#22 - posted by canstay (125.215.6*.*)2010-03-09 08:09:11
Thanks very much.
Great help
Keep up the good work.
Will send in some photos w serial numbers of Japanese consoles for you.

#23 - posted by (77.248.16*.*)2010-03-21 00:42:46
very helpfull site.
if i got info i will post it

#24 - posted by erick (216.165.9*.*)2010-03-29 17:05:35
Serial number: LU6640XXXX
* There is a 50% chance the chipset is GC2-D2E and covered in black glue.

I am being told by this website that a chip that might work with my wii is the drivekey. however the drivekey site says:

"If you bought your wii after August 2009 there is a chance this product will not work on your wii."

I am not sure if this site can be 100% trusted or not.

#25 - posted by (218.111.22*.*)2010-05-13 11:38:21
Entering LKM108988958 which is the SN of my Wii the db did not return anything. Im in Malaysia and the Wii i have has KOREAN manuals but the menu system is in English and the firmware is 4.2U

#26 - posted by (171.161.16*.*)2010-07-13 23:53:05
I have a Wii with Serial# LU2015XXXXX.
Does anyone know which drive does my system has?
Is it the D3-2? I bought mine in US on June 2010.


#27 - posted by lottumeb (82.168.24*.*)2010-11-14 18:38:13
Great site, just 1 simple question.

When we search for serial nr, it always tels how much the percentage is of the change wich drive it is.

How do we know wich drive can play backups?

i.e. 60% D2B drive, great to know, but does it play backups Yes, for 60% or not?

#28 - posted by Tulip (77.185.19*.*)2010-12-15 14:06:35
very good site, i am having problem, i m not sure if my console will play backups or not, this was my result, plzz someone answer my question,
my serial number is LEF507835099

There is a 50% chance the chipset is GC2-D4 on a smaller drive board.
And there is also a 25% chance the chipset is GC2-D3-2 (v2) with no drive chip.
Lastly, a 25% chance the chipset is Combined GC2-D3 with no drive chip.

Pleseeeee reply

#29 - posted by Kyle (207.250.2*.*)2012-01-10 22:29:49
The "Identify" page seems very interesting, but I think it's not functional (Jan 10th, 2012). I tried Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Android's default browser. It says "Enter your serial number:" so I did. But there is no button like [Enter] or [Go] or [Look it up now] or anything like that. I try pressing the enter key on my keyboard but nothing happens. Funny, several other web sites link to here, so it must be a great site :@) PLEASE FIX THIS PAGE!!!! Thank you for all the other information

#30 - posted by JoostinOnline (68.12.0*.*)2012-03-31 03:55:02
Your serial number codes (the letters) are out of date, and so are the model numbers. New Wii's (the ones without GC ports) use RVK instead of RVL, and the USA Wii's start with KU instead of LU. I do not know what the other regions use for other Wii's. Here is a list of ones I know are used:

#31 - posted by (2.234.11*.*)2013-08-12 21:32:13
i have got serial : LEM110027201 but in this site doesn't have it

#32 - posted by (108.222.21*.*)2013-11-03 17:48:13
This is a great site and really helps when purchasing a Wii.

Given that the Nintendo 3DS now has a working flash card (Gateway 3DS), have you considered making a similar serial database for the 3DS to relate serials with firmware versions? As of this post, Gateway 3DS only supports a limited set of firmware versions. It'd be very helpful.

Thanks again for this site.

#33 - posted by (121.75.7*.*)2013-11-16 12:24:28
hiya . . . im just a mum that has no idea about this stuff. please could you help me. i have a wii and am trying to find out if it could have a chip added to allow to play all regions. how do i find out if my wii is compatable with a chip . . . in simple terms without opening up the wii if possible . . . please!!

#34 - posted by (86.153.18*.*)2015-01-06 23:31:33
From my experience D4 drives are for the Wii Family Edition (RVL-101) and as such reject Gamecube drives. I don't think there's much knowledge on this but it would be good to confirm which drives take them and which don't. There's a difference on the 'banana shaped' hole on top of the drive, if there's a metal stop in the middle, it rejects gamecube discs.

#35 - posted by (23.94.10*.*)2020-07-15 18:59:00
My name’s Eric and I just came across your website - wiidrives.com - in the search results.

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#36 - posted by Not Eric Jones (162.156.11*.*)2021-03-01 01:41:28
My name’s Not Eric and I just came across your comment on the website - wiidrives.com - in the search results.

Here’s what that means to me…

Shut up please, this is a passion project by someone on the internet.


Anyways, stranger on the internet, I'm happy you've set up this database.
Thank you for this website. You and all the other people doing niche things they love is what makes the internet such a great place to frequent.