Wii Drives


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Wii console profile

Profile details:
Added: 2009-09-28 by timm5
Country: Ireland
Bought where and when: N/A

updated to 4.1E and installed Flatmii 125 from discoazul.co.uk
flatmii allows booting .iso images from a PC/laptop.
works good. but wish it booted directly from USB drive like some of the HomeBrew stuff is doing. Black Epoxy limits options. Wiikey Fusion (SD cards), Drivekey (3x only DVD), or Wasabi DX (3x only DVD) are some other options. Flatmii are rumoured to be releasing a "flatzii" that will boot iso images from USB drives in the future... we'll see!

Wii details:
Model number / region: RVL-001(EUR) / PAL
Serial: LEH2563474XX
Copyright year: 2006
DVD board serial: CMYD8D2XXX
DVD controller: GC2-D2E2 a.k.a. D2C v2
  • Cut pins on controller: -
  • Missing solderpad near controller: -
  • New metal clip on DVD drive: Yes
  • Drive chip covered in black glue: Yes
  • Missing text on top of large D3 chip: -
Illustrational photos:
Hard black glue:
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