Wii Drives


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Wii console profile

Profile details:
Added: 2009-12-17 by
Country: China
Bought where and when: N/A

We offer these from China , price refreshed on Dec.17th. :

wii drivekey 500pcs original new stock , usd22/pc for taking all , usd23/pc for small orders;
xbox 360 BenQ drive Original New 100pcs in stock , USD11/pc for small orders and usd10/pc for taking all ;

PS2 rubber pad , better quality than the dual shock 2 controller , cut cost price usd2/pc ... 230pcs in stock ;
http://www.firstsing.com/FirstSing%20%20PSX2003%20%20Rubber%20Pad%20%20for%20%20PS2.htm ;
PC usb joypad good quality USD1/pc ............... 1300pcs in stock :)
ps2 ac power adapter good quality , usd1/pc .......500pcs in stock :)
Game projector clear stock items at good price :

usd47-48/PCS Laser Lens KES-450AAA without tray for PS3 Slim,PS3 lens kem 400AAA USD50-51/pc with tray , kes 400A usd47-48/pc without tray , and KES-410A usd39-42/pc, KEM-410A usd36-41/pc ,the best quality in the market and with 30 days warranty for repair, but if you have burnt the diode , you should pay for it ...

For repairing the lens which were not bought from us , USD33-35/pc for repairing the ps3 400 lens diode burnt ones , usd10/pc for repairing diode not burnt ones, and USD22/pc for repairing the ps3 410 lens .
We can also offer the lens diodes , but not suggest you to buy this independently , since it inquires high technology to make sure the diodes won't be burnt when installing .


USD9.0/PC for Laser Diode for PS3 410A (3 pin) 100% new

USD5.0/PC for Laser Diode for PS3 410A (4 pin) 100% new

USD29-30.5/PC for Laser Diode for PS3 400A SLD6562TL (5 pin) 100% new

And our clear stock offer :
PS2 rubber pad , better quality than the dual shock 2 controller , cut cost price usd2/pc ... 230pcs in stock ;
http://www.firstsing.com/FirstSing%20%20PSX2003%20%20Rubber%20Pad%20%20for%20%20PS2.htm ;
PC usb joypad good quality USD1/pc ............... 1300pcs in stock :)
ps2 ac power adapter good quality , usd1/pc .......500pcs in stock :)
Game projector clear stock items at good price :
http://www.firstsing.com/FS02043%20Family%20Entertainment%20Projector.htm ;

wii lens usd11/pc ;
wii dvd drive board , usd23/pc ;
wii d2e drive,39
wii d2c drive,36
wii d2b drive,36
wii dms drive,36
wii remote and nunchuck , usd17-19/pair :)
wii motion plus , usd21-23/pc,
wii drive key upgradable,original new , usd23-27/pc :)
wii sunkey light usd9-10/pc;
wii key 2 , usd10-12/pc :)
wiikey fusion (pre-order) usd36-45/pc ;
Original wii D2SUN V3.0 + WII CLIP mormal , good price.
Clone wii d2sun without clip and with clip , good price;
FLATMII FOR WII , good price ;
wii console case usd11.6/pc;
wii net work adapter usd`14.5-16/pc;
wii mainboard , USD70-75/pc now;

xkey 360 modchip , usd7.8 to usd9/pc ;
xbox 360 203W Power Supply (Brick) & Power cord usd27/pc;
xbox 360 250GB hard drives usd69/pc !!!
xbox 360 120GB hard drives usd52.8/pc , original new ;
xbox 360 20GB hard drives usd25.7/pc , original new ;
xbox360 samsung dvd drive usd8.9-13 , brand new ;
xbox 360 laser hd-63 , usd3-5/pc ;
xbox 360 laser hd-67 , USD4.5-6.5/pc;
xbox 360 VAD6038 Lens , usd6-7.5/pc;
xbox 360 HOP1401 Lens , usd5.5-7/pc;
xbox 360 VAS-6038 BenQ drive usd5/pc ;
xbox 360 VAD-6038 BenQ drive usd8-12/pc ;
xbox 360 GDR-3120L Hitachi drive usd7.5-12/pc ;
HDMI GPU for XBOX360 with HDMI(X817791,X816970,X810480,X02127,X812480-001,2,3,4) USD25-28;
GPU XBOX360 (x02056-010,-011) , without hdmi , usd12-13/pc;
xbox360 CPU , X8102480-007 usd29-32/pc ;
GPU Heatsink for Xbox360 usd10/pc;
xbox 360 unlock tool , usd2/pc;
xbox360 consolecase usd20.1/pc;
xbox 360 headphone with micropone usd2/pc for big orders now ;
Joystick Potentiometer for Xbox 360 or PS2/PS3 controller USD1/pc
Switch button for Xbox360 controller USD1.0/pc
Grey or black thumbstick for Xbox360 controller USD1.0/pc
Switch button for Xbox360 controller USD0.5/pc
Frant and back shell for Xbox360 wireless controller USD4.5/pc
Xbox 360 wireless controller shell kit(include buttons)USD9.8/pc
XBOX360 wireless headsets ORIGINAL, USD38
xbox 360 wireless lan adapter usd63
xbox360 original mem cards 512M original, usd24

PS3 400aaa dvd drive with board , USD79/set ; without board , usd58-61/pc;
ps3 410aaa dvd drive with board , usd75/set ; without board , usd55-58/pc;
PS3 GPU usd25 to usd28/pc;
PS3 CPU usd25 to usd28/pc;
charge and data cable usd2.39;
PSP Go multifunctional charge and data cable usd3.58;
PSP GO AV cable L=2.5M usd3.28;
PSP GO component cable L=2.5M usd3.58;
stock PS3
HDMI-HDMI(1080P)cable with net skin usd2.39;
PSP GO USB cable L=1M usd1.79;
PSP GO soft bag USD0.68/pc ;
PSP GO aluminum case USD4/pc;
PSP GO EVA bag USD1.8/pc;
PSP GO travel bag USD1.9/pc;
PSP GO protector film USD0.4/pc ;
PSP GO silicone case USD0.9/pc;
PSP GO joystick usd2.5/pc;

nds console case usd3.7/pc;
ndsl console case usd8.2/pc;
ndsl shell full(normal color) usd7-9/pc;
ndsi console case usd14.6/pc;
inner Camera for NDSi, usd16.5/pc;
SD Card Socket With Connect Cable for NDSi,usd22;
ndsl mother board usd48.6/pc
ndsl mother board part , em10, usd2 to usd3/pc ;
ndsl lcd usd10.4/pc
PSP 1000 LENS KHM 420AAA 12.5
PSP 2000 LENS KHM 420BAA 13.1
psp1000 lcd usd20.1/pc
psp2000 lcd usd41.8/pc
psp3000 lcd usd34.3/pc
psp1000 3D analog joystick usd4/pc
psp2000 3D analog joystick usd5/pc
psp3000 3D analog joystick usd5/pc
ps2 swap magic 3.6 plus coder, usd16-17
ps2 swap magic 3.6 plus, usd12-14
PS2 430A lens usd9-10/pc

r4i ultra usd6-8/pc , www.r4ultra.com ;
R4I-SDHC USD5.6-7/pc, www.r4i-sdhc.com
r4i gold , usd8.8-9.8/pc , www.r4ids.com
r4i gold , usd6-7/pc , www.r4-pro.com
r4i gold , usd5-6/pc, www.r4igold.cn
AK2I original plus usb reader, usd11.2-12/pc www.acekard.com;
M3i Zero original, usd17-18/pc www.m3adapter.com;
dsoneI usd18-20/pc http://eng.supercard.sc
dstt usd4-5/pc , dstti usd7-8/pc, www.ndstt.com ;
R4 III SDHC USD4.7$ www.r4iiisdhc.com
NEW TTI USD6-7 www.nds-tti.com
R4 SDHC USD4.5-5 www.r4sdhc.com
R4 0815 USD3-4 www.r4ds.cn
EZI ,usd13-15/pc www.ezflash.cn ;
N5 usd5-6.3/pc www.dsn5.com ;
edge usd8-9/pc www.edge-ds.cn ;
r4i sdhc red usd5.5/pc,R4 v sdhc usd3.5/pc www.r4-v.com
R4li black usd8-9/pc www.r4li.com

Micro SD cards price is changing every day , contact us if you have orders
ready :)

Our Ipod FM transmitters , car chargers , silicone cases , leather bags ,
LCD screens , batteries , etc. , are very hot selling . Hope to effort with
you for a better future :)

iphone 2g lcd with digitizer , full set , no independent sales , usd94.5/set ;
iPhone 3G LCD Screen usd22.5/pc ;
iPhone 3G Touch Panel copied usd13.8/pc; usd17.5/pc , original ;
iphone 3gs lcd usd81/pc;
iPhone 3GS Touch Panel usd22/pc, original;
iPhone LCD Screen with Touch Panel US$85.00
iPhone LCD Screen without Touch Panel US$21.00
LCD Screen for iPod 5G video USD15/pc
Front panel Glass for iphone , USD5/pc ;
Front panel Glass for iphone 3Gen., USD5/pc ;

iPhone 3G Headphone Jack US$3.70
"iPhone 3g Unlock Sim Card
" US$3.70
iPhone 3G SIM Card Tray US$3.00
iPhone 3G Home Button US$1.30
iPhone 3G USB Cable US$1.50
iPhone 3G Black Rear cover "

High imitation US$13"
iPhone 3G Front Lens US$6.00
iPhone 3G Antenna Pad US$1.50
iPhone 3G Home Button Flex US$2.30
iPhone 3G Volume Key Button US$3.70
iPhone 3G Camera Lens with holder US$3.70
iPhone 3G Wi-fi connector US$3.70
iPhone 3G Camera US$2.50
iPhone 3G Charging Connector w/ Cable US$5.50
iPhone 3G Front Bezel US$5.50
iPhone 3G Replacement Battery US$3.70
iPhone 3G Screen Protector US$1.00
iPhone 3G A/C Adaptor US$3.00
iPhone 3G EarPhone US$2.30
iPhone 3G SIM Card Eject Pin US$1.50
iPhone 3G Extra Battery Station US$4.50
iPhone 3G Ringer Speaker US$1.50
iPhone Front Glass Panel US$4.50
iPhone Camera Flex Cable US$2.30
iPhone Antenna Wire US$1.50
iPhone White Antenna / Aerial Connecting Leads US$3.00
iPhone Camera Module US$3.70
iPhone OEM Battery US$3.70
Front Bezel US$5.50
Antenna Cover US$4.50
iPhone Frame and Connector US$8.90
iPhone Home Button US$1.30
iPhone Headphone Jack US$3.70
iPhone Dock Connector US$2.30
iPhone Charging & click Jack US$3.00
iPhone SIM Card Tray US$3.70
iPhone Rear Silver Panel with internal parts US$12.50
iPhone Dock US$3.70
iPhone USB Cable US$1.50
iPhone Headphone US$2.30
iPhone Phillip Srewdriver Tools US$0.50
iPhone Open Tools US$1.50

High capacity Multifunction portable power station , usd19/pc;
faceplate for iPod Video black usd4/pc, white usd5/pc;
click wheel with buttons , usd3.5/pc for original new , USD1.9/pc for second hand ones ,

MICRO SD price on Oct. 17th., USD ( price chaning every day !!!)
2G 6.81
4G 9.73
8G 16.42
tf cards (big sd cards), 2g$6.55/ 4g$9.5/ 8g$16.6/ 16g$44.7
kingston originals

We also have good offers for laptop notebook accessories like batteries , ac adapters , cases , etc.
Our quality is all tested by our old customers
If not good , we won't add into our hot selling list

Wii details:
Model number / region: RVL-001(USA) / NTSC-U/C
Serial: 666666666XXX
Copyright year: 2009
DVD board serial: N/A
DVD controller: GC2-DMS
  • Cut pins on controller: No
  • Missing solderpad near controller: No
  • New metal clip on DVD drive: -
  • Drive chip covered in black glue: -
  • Missing text on top of large D3 chip: -
Illustrational photos:
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