Wii Drives


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Wii console profile

Profile details:
Added: 2010-02-23 by fff
Country: Italy
Bought where and when: N/A


Wii details:
Model number / region: RVL-001(EUR) / PAL
Serial: LEH222903XXX
Copyright year: 2006
DVD board serial: N/A
DVD controller: GC2-D2E
  • Cut pins on controller: -
  • Missing solderpad near controller: -
  • New metal clip on DVD drive: -
  • Drive chip covered in black glue: -
  • Missing text on top of large D3 chip: -
Illustrational photos:
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#1 - posted by (188.143.23*.*)2015-12-16 23:33:08
Hi Bev, Have you played the Yakuza Kenzan game, and if so what did you think?As I meienontd, I hope to get it at some point, although my Japanese ability is pretty basic, so hopefully I can understand it well enough. I suppose I could always read a translation, but that's not quite as entertaining. I think Shenmue is a great game, although to play it today can be frustrating because of the controls, and the English voice over is pretty bad (although, still quite charming). But at the time it was pretty groundbreaking. I'm still hoping for the final part of the trilogy to be released, but I'm also afraid of how it might turn out.I know you must be excited for the new Deadly Premonition Director's Cut, I just read about it being announced!I'll be happy to add it to my Playstation collection. Do you know if there was a date given for release yet?It's funny that we meienontd replaying it not long ago. Now I will definitely have to. The Silent Hill film will be released next weekend here, hopefully I'll have a chance to see it then.I'm hoping that Sean Bean will be in this one more, because he's great (although it doesn't appear that he will).Has it released there yet?

#2 - posted by (188.143.23*.*)2015-12-18 03:08:11
Hey sadvacation, <a href="http://ahemqyjalsm.com">thakns</a> for the comment! Glad to hear you liked the article.I haven't played FFIV yet (it's on my list of games to buy, then I'll have to grab the English patch), but from what I've heard, the Wii edition of FF2 incorporates the same over-the-shoulder scheme and the ghost hands introduced in FFIV. I haven't actually played the original PS2 version of FF2 either (I know I should), but I had a chat to Chris, the guy who runs the site my article was published on, and he pointed out the differences in the camera scheme. From what I've observed, the original PS2 version is a lot more imaginative in terms of how it composes its scenes. It also lends itself really well to creating unease in the player: eg. the bit where you first meet the Kusabi in that room. In the original game, you can see the Kusabi hovering behind you and that makes the moment all the more terrifying, whereas in the Wii version, because it's over-the-shoulder, you don't really have an indication of where he is in relation to you. I suppose that could make it even scarier, but it's not as imaginative.

#3 - posted by (188.143.23*.*)2015-12-18 10:24:11
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#4 - posted by (188.143.23*.*)2015-12-19 10:22:18
So excited I found this article as it made things much <a href="http://jylrhuari.com">qukirec!</a>

#5 - posted by (188.143.23*.*)2015-12-19 20:41:26
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