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Profile details:
Added: 2012-04-02 by Star
Country: Australia
Bought where and when: KZttCnKKoGUmTvQLoWl on the 2007-06-13

I am not a camera eexprt, but rather, I'm a busy mom who likes to take pictures and who adores my subjects. This, then, is a review from a busy mom/amateur's point of view. MY GOALS/EXPECTATIONS: I have always been a photo fiend, taking my camera everywhere and pulling it out at any opportunity. While I'd gotten to a decent level of archiving important moments with my point-and-shoot cameras over the years, I wanted to take my photography to the next level. I was inspired by my brother-in-law's photos of his kids to take the dSLR plunge. But I knew (and still know), very little about professional photography. I wanted to start taking better photos right away. But I also wanted to have room to grow as a photographer and a camera that would grow with me. I also wanted the focus to stay firmly on my family while I was willing to invest some time and care into the camera, I didn't want it to become like a pet I had to constantly watch over. While any dSLR takes some care and consideration, I've found the T3i has been an excellent camera for me and I've been quite pleased with it. PROS: * VERY USER FRIENDLY: The auto mode (or auto without flash, my favorite) is highly forgiving, taking fantastically sharp images, true to color. They look so clear that I feel I'm capturing as close to real life as I've ever seen before in a camera. * FAST: While I sometimes go in for trying out new modes and manual settings, I often leave the camera in auto or auto-sans-flash mode and just click away so that I can at least capture a moment before it's gone. I then play with manual settings if my kids stay still long enough for me to try something new. My previous cameras always had a horrible delay for the autofocus (the only mode they usually had), meaning I nearly always lost the moment when the toddler was on the move. The t3i is so ridiculously fast that I can snap multiple pics in the time one picture took before. * BEAUTIFUL PICTURES: This kind of goes without saying at this tier of camera, but the pictures are just amazing quality. Coming from the land of point-and-shoot, I'm pretty blown away. And I know I'm only touching the tip of the iceberg for what's possible. * BEAUTIFUL VIDEO: This is the nice new feature of the t3i. I wasn't sure I'd want or need the HD video. But hey, when you've got it, you use it. I've gotten some amazingly clear footage of the kiddo playing in the park with daddy and I'm so glad we went for the model with that feature. * BIG, CLEAR DISPLAY: It's really easy to see what pics you've just taken and adjust your photo-taking accordingly. Just by seeing what I've gotten, I'm able to try again and improve a shot almost immediately. * CLEAR MENUS/ABILITY TO IMPROVE: The interface on this is so intuitive that I've been able to learn a lot without even cracking open the manual (though that manual is my new reading material). The entry point for a new user is just a step up from normal photography the possibilities, however, are nearly endless. * NICE KIT LENS: For all that photographers get into new and better lenses, the kit lens on this is really nice and easy to use. I think it will hold us for a good long while before I get to be more of an eexprt. It gives me the range of zoom and focus I need for now. * EYE-FI COMPATIBLE: WOW. I cannot even tell you how much this busy mom loves this feature. If you get an eye-fi card, your pictures can be set up to automatically upload to your computer whenever you are within range of your synched wireless network. My husband set up a SmugMug account and the eye-fi capabilities. I take pics to my heart's content while out on walks, in the park, etc., and come home, then leave the camera on (auto-shut off after 8 minutes) to upload the pics. I can then tag and sort pictures later at my leisure. For a busy mom, this is amazingly useful. I don't have to take time out to upload the pics the camera does that for me. * BATTERY LIFE (for common use): So far, the battery we bought for the camera lasts very well during normal photo-taking. It's just a standard Canon battery for the rebel line and it charges quickly. Even when taking pics like a mad-woman, it lasts through a shoot. HD video eats it up more quickly, so be warned. Still, I rarely run out of juice during the day so long as I pop the battery into its charger in the evening. However, uploading is another story (See below in cons). Those are just the first few things I love about this camera. Here, however, are the not cons, really, just challenges for a busy mom: CHALLENGES: * dSLRs ARE EXPENSIVE, DELICATE, BIG AND BULKY: And busy parents' lives have enough precious and delicate things to worry about namely, the kids. No getting around it you can't just toss a dSLR into a pocket

Wii details:
Model number / region: RVL-001(AUS) / PAL
Copyright year: 2006
DVD board serial: -1
DVD controller: GC2-D2C2 a.k.a. D2C v2
  • Cut pins on controller: -
  • Missing solderpad near controller: -
  • New metal clip on DVD drive: Yes
  • Drive chip covered in black glue: -
  • Missing text on top of large D3 chip: -
Illustrational photos:
Metal clip (D2C2):
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