Wii Drives


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Wii console profile

Profile details:
Added: 2012-07-04 by Leonard
Country: Jordan
Bought where and when: iCUePAocELahWJmySCa on the 2011-09-27

- i've been waiting for this post. you are a great iisrnpation â?? i love the way you write and your photos defy analysis or discussion. i am not a pro, but you are a favorite of mine and i take your advice and attitude to heart. keep up the great work and thank you for all that you share with us.

Wii details:
Model number / region: RVL-001(JPN) / NTSC-J
Copyright year: 2008
DVD board serial: -1
DVD controller: GC2-D2C2 a.k.a. D2C v2
  • Cut pins on controller: -
  • Missing solderpad near controller: -
  • New metal clip on DVD drive: Yes
  • Drive chip covered in black glue: -
  • Missing text on top of large D3 chip: -
Illustrational photos:
Metal clip (D2C2):
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