Wii Drives


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The Wii Drive Chip Database will hopefully make it easier to identify the DVD drive chip model in your Wii console before you open it or buy one. By collaborating details about the Wii, it's possible to get a pretty good estimation of the controller model by just providing the serial number. New controller models can also be easily tracked this way. The information on this site is submitted and maintained by its users. To contribute details you have to open the Wii. -

2022-07-29: Fixed submit insert sql issue and added Hong Kong model to the region list. Thanks Brian

2020-05-23: A new D4 board revision added, credit to Tareq! It has the same shape as the regular D4 but with one less IC. Seems like a second revision to optimize the circuit board. Also made more of the serial visible.

2010-03-18: A new drive has been discovered, a new re-designed DVD drive with a smaller circuit board. Untill further details has emerged I'll wait a bit before adding the new drive to the site.

2010-04-17: The new drive with smaller circuitboard is now added to the submission form, dubbed the D3S (s for small). Please update or submit your drive if you own one of these. Thanks!

2010-05-09: A new photo from the underside of the IC on the newer smaller circuitboard has been posted, and it's officially called the GC2-D4. I've changed all references to D3S and the latest drive revision is now called D4. Please use this modelnumber from now on.

Submit your drive details

Identify your drive chip:

Type your serial number to get live drive details.
Added Country Serial number Model / Region Copyright DVD drive chip Pins/Pad/Clip/Glue/D3-2 DVD Board Shop Posted by Comment # R
901. 2011-01-08 United Kingdo.. LEH2210179XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2E
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
NoHard black glue: No
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMYC880630 WOOLWORTHS Andy None 0 [x]
902. 2011-01-08 Italy LEH516959XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
VEP72125 MARCO POLO Simone None 0 [x]
903. 2011-01-07 Canada LU7502899XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
GDA06053Q FutureShop BoXXDr None 0 [x]
904. 2011-01-07 Netherlands LEF508207XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A Saturn Mark None 0 [x]
905. 2011-01-07 Germany LEH2498358XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2E
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
YesHard black glue: Yes
-Large D3 chip no text: -
CMYD8D04ES N/A schleck None 0 [x]
906. 2011-01-05 Spain LEH2681XXXXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A Novato9 None 0 [x]
907. 2011-01-04 Italy LEH5156987XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
GCA02021V N/A breakman None 0 [x]
908. 2011-01-04 Russia LEF1036196XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2C
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A Gleb None 0 [x]
909. 2011-01-04 Australia LAH109172XXX AUS / PAL 2011 GC2-D2E
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A JB HI FI dj6740 None 0 [x]
910. 2011-01-04 Croatia (Hrva.. LEF203957XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
GFA0817CV algoritam briglja None 0 [x]
911. 2011-01-03 United Kingdo.. LEH2727943XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
EMBB9328EQ N/A eXOBeX None 0 [x]
912. 2011-01-03 United Kingdo.. LEH239584XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2E
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
YesHard black glue: Yes
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMYD8017CQ PC WORLD STU None 0 [x]
913. 2011-01-02 United States LU3291162XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2C
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A Wal-Mart Wolfzz213 None 0 [x]
914. 2011-01-02 United Kingdo.. LEH2699254XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
EMBB9320ET N/A eXOBeX None 0 [x]
915. 2011-01-01 Germany LEH284809XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
NB19870MX N/A nockbert None 4 [x]
916. 2010-12-30 Netherlands LEH1906367XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2C2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMX A4801CQ Makro Chrispie None 0 [x]
917. 2010-12-30 Spain LEH2843157XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
FMCD97171U N/A jorgifumi None 0 [x]
918. 2010-12-29 Finland LEH1988XXXXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2C2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A Eraser None 0 [x]
919. 2010-12-29 Italy LEH2934046XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2R-D2A
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A famila piero None 0 [x]
920. 2010-12-28 Italy LEM5006811XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2R-D2A
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A AUCHAN snobba None 0 [x]
921. 2010-12-28 Czech Republi.. LEM7024179XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
GFA071520 datart Hyna None 0 [x]
922. 2010-12-28 Germany LEH5225668XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
GFA0725HP N/A J None 0 [x]
923. 2010-12-27 Spain LEH251382XXX EUR / PAL 2008 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
LEH 25138279 N/A LUIS None 0 [x]
924. 2010-12-26 Slovenia LEH2700751XX EUR / PAL 2009 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
N/A N/A Jerry None 0 [x]
925. 2010-12-25 United States LU6626257XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
NoLarge D3 chip no text: No
KA392A1PW Best Buy Tina None 0 [x]
926. 2010-12-24 United Kingdo.. LEM5055366XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
GFA0712KQ N/A eXOBeX None 0 [x]
927. 2010-12-24 Brazil LU1533289XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-DMS
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A 20ver2003 None 0 [x]
928. 2010-12-23 Ireland LEH2586928XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2E
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
YesHard black glue: Yes
-Large D3 chip no text: -
CMYD9104BR N/A awinnicki None 0 [x]
929. 2010-12-23 United States LU7309538XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
N/A Game Stop og style None 0 [x]
930. 2010-12-22 Brazil LU1218148XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
AMYA8616HQ CRNET SHOP Alexandre .. None 0 [x]
931. 2010-12-20 United States LU7480051XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
GCA0328BS Best Buy Christian .. None 0 [x]
932. 2010-12-19 United States LU3876725XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
NoLarge D3 chip no text: No
N/A N/A Stephan76 None 0 [x]
933. 2010-12-19 United States LU7200171XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
N/A N/A Stephan76 None 0 [x]
934. 2010-12-19 United States LU3865134XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2E
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
YesHard black glue: Yes
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A Stephan76 None 0 [x]
935. 2010-12-18 United States LU3219300XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2C
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
NoNew metal clip: No
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMW7810KU N/A Randy None 0 [x]
936. 2010-12-17 Sweden LEH2712826XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
EMBB94022Q Webhallen Tom1a None 0 [x]
937. 2010-12-15 United States LU5026455XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2C
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
NoNew metal clip: No
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
NMWP8129 N/A garrettw None 0 [x]
938. 2010-12-15 United Kingdo.. LEH1909831XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2C2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMXA8401HV N/A topdog None 0 [x]
939. 2010-12-15 Italy LEH2277458XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2E
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
YesHard black glue: Yes
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A unieuro WHBC None 0 [x]
940. 2010-12-15 Netherlands LEM1086797XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
GDA052820 N/A KelvinShad.. None 0 [x]
941. 2010-12-15 Canada LU9252571XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
GFAO726BT Pharmaprix Allixria None 0 [x]
942. 2010-12-13 Slovenia LEH2662954XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-DMS
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A katja None 0 [x]
943. 2010-12-13 Belgium LEM702240XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A eplaza photek None 0 [x]
944. 2010-12-13 United States LU6270573XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2E
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMYF800530 bestbuy jung None 0 [x]
945. 2010-12-12 France LEH174811XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2C
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
NoNew metal clip: No
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A boule None 0 [x]
946. 2010-12-12 United States LU4007166XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
FMCD991128 Target DrBrain None 0 [x]
947. 2010-12-12 Slovenia LEF502921XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
NoLarge D3 chip no text: No
D63760 BIG BANG vladimir None 0 [x]
948. 2010-12-11 Germany LEF508089XXX EUR / PAL 2010 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A darkimaste.. None 0 [x]
949. 2010-12-11 Italy LEH2881300XX EUR / PAL 2009 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
N/A N/A tomasso None 0 [x]
950. 2010-12-11 Italy LEH2863576XX EUR / PAL 2009 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
N/A N/A tomasso None 0 [x]
951. 2010-12-11 United States LU4075059XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2R-D2A
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A Costco Julia Gree.. None 0 [x]
952. 2010-12-10 Belgium LEH1344382XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2R-D2A
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A arnokrusty.. None 0 [x]
953. 2010-12-10 United States LU1199555XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A FYE axosx None 0 [x]
954. 2010-12-09 France LEF1129281XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2E
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
YesHard black glue: Yes
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMYD89043S N/A petitbol None 0 [x]
955. 2010-12-09 Japan LJH114851XXX JPN / NTSC-J 2006 GC2-D2C
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
NoNew metal clip: No
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMW8226EQ N/A Nigel None 0 [x]
956. 2010-12-09 United States LU5813301XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2C2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMXA8421DU ebay Duker2222 None 0 [x]
957. 2010-12-08 United States LU1156388XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A DONNIE None 0 [x]
958. 2010-12-08 Germany LEF5087429XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
GDA06062R real marie None 1 [x]
959. 2010-12-07 Spain LEF50954XXXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A MEDIAMARKT Hedrix None 1 [x]
960. 2010-12-07 Brazil LEM1073031XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
FMCE90212S SARAIVA Diamantino.. None 0 [x]
961. 2010-12-07 United Kingdo.. LEH2767007XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
KA694822N Sainsburys beyre83 None 0 [x]
962. 2010-12-07 United States LU3048018XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-DMS
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMUA6N09H0 N/A Ryan None 0 [x]
963. 2010-12-06 Canada LU3878718XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
NoLarge D3 chip no text: No
KAC92H1E7 DELL morinfre None 0 [x]
964. 2010-12-06 Hungary LEM1056599XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
FMCD991110 GameStop Smith None 0 [x]
965. 2010-12-06 United Kingdo.. LEH5096368XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
FMCE90131S Amazon.co.uk.. Quwel None 0 [x]
966. 2010-12-06 Canada LU6596824XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A toysrus Max None 0 [x]
967. 2010-12-05 United States LU9606787XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A tim None 0 [x]
968. 2010-12-05 Finland LEH7004553XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
GFA0720HS N/A DaMan None 0 [x]
969. 2010-12-05 Italy LEM1077976XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
NoLarge D3 chip no text: No
NMX N/A Eros None 0 [x]
970. 2010-12-05 Romania LEM1071918XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
FMCE9021EV Altex zero None 0 [x]
971. 2010-12-04 Italy LEH270961XXX EUR / PAL 2010 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A Pietro Frata.. Peppe None 0 [x]
972. 2010-12-04 Italy LEH293450XXX EUR / PAL 2010 GC2R-D2A
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A prova 001 None 0 [x]
973. 2010-12-04 United States LU7323492XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2R-D2A
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A Liverpool thanathoz None 0 [x]
974. 2010-12-03 Italy LEM5027569XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2R-D2A
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A Mattia None 0 [x]
975. 2010-12-03 Japan LJF2026504XX JPN / NTSC-J 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
FMCF9NO9AS japan danilo None 0 [x]
976. 2010-12-01 Spain LEH1584512XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2C
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
LEH El corte ing.. sdana None 0 [x]
977. 2010-12-01 United States LU5674015XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2C
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
NoNew metal clip: No
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMX8228BR Target dv77 None 0 [x]
978. 2010-11-30 United Kingdo.. LEH1071546XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-DMS
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A wingsous None 0 [x]
979. 2010-11-29 Japan LJF1205853XX JPN / NTSC-J 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A Stevn None 0 [x]
980. 2010-11-28 Italy LEM502613XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A anbuccoli None 0 [x]
981. 2010-11-28 Italy LEM5026131XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A anbuccoli None 0 [x]
982. 2010-11-28 Italy LEH2513652XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2E
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
YesHard black glue: Yes
-Large D3 chip no text: -
CMYD8N292R beinasco arac None 0 [x]
983. 2010-11-27 Brazil LR1000004XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
N/A N/A aw3 None 1 [x]
984. 2010-11-20 France LEM1019255XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
FMCD9709BR N/A lpap None 0 [x]
985. 2010-11-20 Netherlands LEM104896XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2R-D2A
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A Johan De I.. None 0 [x]
986. 2010-11-20 New Zealand LAH1030106XX AUS / PAL 2006 GC2-D2C
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
NoNew metal clip: No
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMW7O12ET N/A jlaird None 0 [x]
987. 2010-11-19 Brazil LU7003091XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
N/A N/A Victor None 0 [x]
988. 2010-11-19 United States LU5320890XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2C
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
NoNew metal clip: No
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMW7805LS ebay duker2222 None 0 [x]
989. 2010-11-19 Australia LAH1140683XX AUS / PAL 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
EMBB9302DS N/A DevoDave None 0 [x]
990. 2010-11-18 France LEM1026152XX EUR / PAL 2010 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A jtom None 0 [x]
991. 2010-11-18 Taiwan LU6454326XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2E
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
YesHard black glue: Yes
-Large D3 chip no text: -
CMYD9113AS 1 1234 None 0 [x]
992. 2010-11-18 United States LU7373343XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
993. 2010-11-16 United Kingdo.. LEF7016130XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D4
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
GDA0612HO N/A eXOBeX None 0 [x]
994. 2010-11-15 Netherlands LEH194876XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2C2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMXA8419BU Second hand Danny323 None 0 [x]
995. 2010-11-14 Spain LEH2846217XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A martita31 None 0 [x]
996. 2010-11-13 United Kingdo.. LEH1540841XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2C
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
NoNew metal clip: No
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMW79272Q WH Smith Carl None 0 [x]
997. 2010-11-12 United States LU3688325XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2E
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
NoHard black glue: No
-Large D3 chip no text: -
NY9890AZ ebay duker2222 None 0 [x]
998. 2010-11-10 Germany LEH111241XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
NoCut pins: No
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMVA6D16CQ N/A Speedy None 0 [x]
999. 2010-11-09 France LEH2659732XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D3
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
NoLarge D3 chip no text: No
KA992J0D2 N/A petitbol None 0 [x]
1000. 2010-11-09 United States LU7025545XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D3-2
-Cut pins: -
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
EMBB9219CR GameStop Ian New Ya.. None 0 [x]
Entries returned: 5060   << First < Previous 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next > Last >> 

Submit Wii Drive Information

IMPORTANT: Before you submit your Wii details, please take a second to go through the how to guide to make sure you find and enter the correct (proper) information. There have been too many submissions with invalid data on other sites and I want to get it right on this one. Thank you. Note: You have to open (and possibly void the warranty) to find the necessary details required to submit a new entry.
1. Profile details:
Your name/nick: ?
Your e-mail: ? (for editing)
  Show e-mail address publicly
Verification code: ? Verification - Enter code: (case-sensitive)

2. Wii details:
Country: ?
Serial number: ? 0
  • The full serial number is required, 11-12 characters
  • Located at the bottom of the Wii, near the battery
Model number: ?
  • There are 5 different Wii regions world-wide
Copyright year: ?
  • It's printed near the model number, bottom label
DVD board serial: ? (starts A, AM, AMX, NMX, etc)
  • Ranges 6-10 characters, full preferred but optional
  • Printed on yellow background, near orange ribbon
Drive chip: ?
  • Find it near the ribbon-cable on the driveboard
? Required: On the DVD drive chip, are there any cut pins / legs?
? Required: Does the driveboard miss the third pad used for 1st gen-modchips, e.g. WiiKey?
? Required: Does the DVD drive have the new metal clip on top of the unit near the spinning cog?
? Required: Is the DVD drive chip covered in hard black glue (epoxy)?
? Required: Does the large D3 chip lack text typed on top of the chip, i.e. blank? It's the new D3-2 (v2).
Purchase shop name: ?
Purchase date: ? - -

3. Closing comments:
Comments: ?
  • Firmware, modchip, problems, discoveries, etc.

* Fields marked with BOLD are required.