Wii Drives


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The Wii Drive Chip Database will hopefully make it easier to identify the DVD drive chip model in your Wii console before you open it or buy one. By collaborating details about the Wii, it's possible to get a pretty good estimation of the controller model by just providing the serial number. New controller models can also be easily tracked this way. The information on this site is submitted and maintained by its users. To contribute details you have to open the Wii. -

2022-07-29: Fixed submit insert sql issue and added Hong Kong model to the region list. Thanks Brian

2020-05-23: A new D4 board revision added, credit to Tareq! It has the same shape as the regular D4 but with one less IC. Seems like a second revision to optimize the circuit board. Also made more of the serial visible.

2010-03-18: A new drive has been discovered, a new re-designed DVD drive with a smaller circuit board. Untill further details has emerged I'll wait a bit before adding the new drive to the site.

2010-04-17: The new drive with smaller circuitboard is now added to the submission form, dubbed the D3S (s for small). Please update or submit your drive if you own one of these. Thanks!

2010-05-09: A new photo from the underside of the IC on the newer smaller circuitboard has been posted, and it's officially called the GC2-D4. I've changed all references to D3S and the latest drive revision is now called D4. Please use this modelnumber from now on.

Submit your drive details

Identify your drive chip:

Type your serial number to get live drive details.
Added Country Serial number Model / Region Copyright DVD drive chip Pins/Pad/Clip/Glue/D3-2 DVD Board Shop Posted by Comment # R
1. 2023-12-10 United States LU5212014XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7528A0 eBay innovA None 0 [x]
2. 2023-06-13 Japan LJM1003330XX JPN / NTSC-J 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV75221U eBay CamiTheWit.. None 0 [x]
3. 2022-10-02 Hong Kong SAR LJF1224997XX JPN / NTSC-J 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMX74231 Pre-owned brian None 0 [x]
4. 2020-03-24 Australia KU4072621XXX AUS / PAL 2010 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A enrique200.. None 0 [x]
5. 2019-11-03 Germany LEH1334397XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7601DT N/A Netspider None 0 [x]
6. 2018-07-30 United States LU3183927XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7608HV N/A rand0mher0.. None 0 [x]
7. 2018-01-17 United Kingdo.. LEH1340254XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7608LT Ebay flyscots69.. None 0 [x]
8. 2017-12-22 Russia LEH127233XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV74241U --- serezhka20.. None 0 [x]
9. 2015-05-29 United States LU5238735XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A jr None 0 [x]
10. 2013-09-19 United Kingdo.. LEH1275538XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV74243P N/A MasterPatr.. None 0 [x]
11. 2013-09-02 United States LU5196849XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7519BU N/A sumplais None 0 [x]
12. 2012-07-05 Latvia UDRYLYCUCLXX EUR / PAL 2006 -
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
YesNew metal clip: Yes
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
-1 MEjrPwPepIoW.. stiaixrame.. None 0 [x]
13. 2012-07-03 St. Kitts and.. LUHRUSPUICXX EUR / PAL 2008 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
-1 gSdVmxrRqfDB.. bdilrctxcm.. None 0 [x]
14. 2012-07-03 Netherlands A.. ABRFYKAEUNXX JPN / NTSC-J 2010 -
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
-1 mRIVzKyLDXyQ.. Simone None 0 [x]
15. 2012-07-03 Vanuatu HUDSUSIAMHXX KOR / NTSC-M 2010 -
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
-1 ncbUvxWRuM Nugie None 0 [x]
16. 2012-07-02 Guinea-Bissau BNMWHAYQXJXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2008 -
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
YesNew metal clip: Yes
YesHard black glue: Yes
-Large D3 chip no text: -
-1 pVPhlIHaFpkz.. Lena None 0 [x]
17. 2012-04-02 Botswana TXMEXJSDQAXX AUS / PAL 2011 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
-1 tWNYVscvSh Thanakit None 0 [x]
18. 2012-03-07 Russia LEH1237692XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV 7418DS N/A PiXi None 0 [x]
19. 2012-01-03 Canada LU5175503XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A wiismodrom.. None 0 [x]
20. 2011-12-11 Aruba JBZAUDLIMGXX EUR / PAL 2009 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
-1 cwmyAJmRZ fqzotajq None 0 [x]
21. 2011-12-06 Kenya YDPTNOTFSPXX TWN / NTSC-M 2009 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
-1 YtzVSaECzxTi.. Geri None 0 [x]
22. 2011-12-06 Guyana JQGFTYHHVBXX AUS / PAL 2008 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
-1 sAWPdGPOs Cornelia None 0 [x]
23. 2011-12-06 Spain EYDWZZEUZXXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2010 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
-1 axLrpPxAwr Journey None 0 [x]
24. 2011-12-05 Romania VRRMWCUBFFXX JPN / NTSC-J 2008 -
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
YesNew metal clip: Yes
YesHard black glue: Yes
YesLarge D3 chip no text: Yes
-1 jblDQfTjEsze.. qyfllbhwlx.. None 0 [x]
25. 2011-12-04 São To.. QAQSBNLUNJXX JPN / NTSC-J 2008 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
-1 TbXPKJFIjtgn.. Kierra None 0 [x]
26. 2011-10-28 Finland LEH297128XXX EUR / PAL 2011 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A kalein None 0 [x]
27. 2011-09-29 United States LU5216434XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV76041U N/A kquitt None 0 [x]
28. 2011-09-03 United Kingdo.. LEH1288166XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV75061T N/A Jimbo None 0 [x]
29. 2011-08-24 United States LU3178384XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7425EQ N/A RWS None 0 [x]
30. 2011-06-11 France LEH1107535XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMYA8616HG Scoregame kevin None 0 [x]
31. 2011-05-30 United Kingdo.. LEH1339724XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7606DO N/A PYR0 None 0 [x]
32. 2011-02-19 United States LU3165413XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV 7507ER N/A Misfit4335.. None 0 [x]
33. 2010-11-29 Japan LJF1205853XX JPN / NTSC-J 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A Stevn None 0 [x]
34. 2010-11-01 Netherlands LEH122936XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV 7607DS second hand Danny323 None 0 [x]
35. 2010-10-18 Netherlands LEH1236902XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV 74143R Media Markt .. blastermak.. None 0 [x]
36. 2010-09-27 United States LU5158414XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7422EQ Ebay Duker2222 None 0 [x]
37. 2010-09-20 Norway LEH1295932XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV75072P N/A frankwhite.. None 0 [x]
38. 2010-09-16 United Kingdo.. LEH125109XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A JoeBar15 None 0 [x]
39. 2010-08-18 United States LU5178190XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV752OEU N/A Labatryth None 0 [x]
40. 2010-07-24 Mexico LU5181409XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A galogamesi.. None 0 [x]
41. 2010-07-21 Norway LEH1283582XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7512AU N/A frankwhite.. None 0 [x]
42. 2010-04-05 Netherlands LEM103894XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMY 760730 N/A woenzini None 0 [x]
43. 2010-01-31 United Kingdo.. LEH1278504XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A billygreen.. None 0 [x]
44. 2010-01-17 Japan LJF1231804XX JPN / NTSC-J 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7507BS Yamada Denki.. DLG7260 None 0 [x]
45. 2010-01-16 Russia LEH1272303XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV 74283S N/A Che None 0 [x]
46. 2010-01-13 Norway LEH123587XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV74132U N/A Hamrik None 0 [x]
47. 2009-12-17 Norway LEH1326423XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A frankwhite.. None 0 [x]
48. 2009-12-13 Germany LEH1237627XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV741D0 N/A speed19 None 0 [x]
49. 2009-12-07 France LEH1273635XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV75042R N/A NYHC None 0 [x]
50. 2009-12-06 Canada LU3163196XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A P2Bert None 0 [x]
51. 2009-11-07 Germany LEH1348938XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AM7514AQ luca luca None 0 [x]
52. 2009-11-06 Norway LEH1263663XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7413HV N/A frankwhite.. None 0 [x]
53. 2009-11-03 Norway LEH1235023XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7414AO N/A frankwhite.. None 0 [x]
54. 2009-10-08 Russia LEH1344108XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7610DV N/A Che None 0 [x]
55. 2009-10-07 Norway LEH1235792XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV74143P N/A frankwhite.. None 0 [x]
56. 2009-08-29 Belgium LEH1328772XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7530 Cora petitalan None 0 [x]
57. 2009-08-18 Germany LEH1303568XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV 75182S eBay JayJack None 0 [x]
58. 2009-08-13 Norway LEH1326774XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7603A0 N/A frankwhite.. None 0 [x]
59. 2009-07-16 United States LU3162542XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7428B amazon Michael None 1 [x]
60. 2009-07-14 Norway LEH1265619XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMW7428T N/A frankwhite.. None 0 [x]
61. 2009-07-09 Norway LEH1265585XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMW7420DR N/A frankwhite.. None 0 [x]
62. 2009-06-29 Norway LEH1234685XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMW7414U N/A frankwhite.. None 0 [x]
63. 2009-06-28 Norway LEH1235423XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMW74141S N/A frankwhite.. None 0 [x]
64. 2009-06-24 Norway LEH1263646XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMW74211T N/A frankwhite.. None 0 [x]
65. 2009-06-23 Netherlands LEH1273394XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV74283S N/A protokos None 0 [x]
66. 2009-06-21 Netherlands LEH1330549XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV mediamarkt sadben None 0 [x]
67. 2009-05-17 United Kingdo.. LEH1287177XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV750810 N/A bigup None 0 [x]
68. 2009-04-28 Mexico LU5185227XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7511AQ N/A jesk8 None 0 [x]
69. 2009-04-26 Canada LU5179145XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7510H0 Best BUY Demzz23 None 0 [x]
70. 2009-04-24 United Kingdo.. LEH1324254XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV76011U N/A bigup None 0 [x]
71. 2009-04-14 United Kingdo.. LEH1342711XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7608EQ secondhand Bonzo Bana.. None 0 [x]
72. 2009-03-27 Israel LEH123752XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TLH None 0 [x]
73. 2009-02-27 United States LU5172068XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A Draiken None 0 [x]
74. 2009-02-18 France LEH155522XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
75. 2009-02-18 France LEH130610XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
76. 2009-02-18 France LEH133731XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
77. 2009-02-18 France LEH123990XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
78. 2009-02-18 France LEH130846XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
79. 2009-02-17 France LEH104214XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
80. 2009-02-17 France LEH135127XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
81. 2009-02-17 France LEH130860XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
82. 2009-02-17 France LEH127392XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
83. 2009-02-17 France LEH130883XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
84. 2009-02-17 France LEH125845XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
85. 2009-02-17 France LEH135186XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
86. 2009-02-17 France LEH135225XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
87. 2009-02-17 France LEH133471XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
88. 2009-02-17 France LEH125988XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
89. 2009-02-17 France LEH129860XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A TMKFrench None 0 [x]
90. 2009-02-11 Netherlands LEH123929XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A DVDPhreak None 0 [x]
91. 2009-02-02 Japan LJF1198397XX JPN / NTSC-J 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A Draiken None 0 [x]
92. 2009-01-29 Italy LEH1313916XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV N/A guerrierod.. None 0 [x]
93. 2009-01-29 United States LU5159851XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A vincent None 0 [x]
94. 2009-01-23 France LEH1257652XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV74171R N/A axokill None 0 [x]
95. 2009-01-19 United States LU3157527XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV7412AU N/A giglife None 0 [x]
96. 2009-01-18 Canada LU5197620XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV 7518H Rogers Rory None 0 [x]
97. 2009-01-14 France LEH125813XXX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV741830 N/A Modchip78 None 0 [x]
98. 2009-01-13 United States LU3182901XXX USA / NTSC-U/C 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
YesMissing pad: Yes
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMV76031P N/A SKYKING None 0 [x]
99. 2009-01-13 France LEH1331210XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
-Missing pad: -
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
N/A N/A DemonIce None 0 [x]
100. 2009-01-12 Denmark LEH1235989XX EUR / PAL 2006 GC2-D2B
YesCut pins: Yes
NoMissing pad: No
-New metal clip: -
-Hard black glue: -
-Large D3 chip no text: -
AMW7414DP Elgiganten Tejs None 0 [x]
Entries returned: 229   1 2 3 Next > Last >> 

Submit Wii Drive Information

IMPORTANT: Before you submit your Wii details, please take a second to go through the how to guide to make sure you find and enter the correct (proper) information. There have been too many submissions with invalid data on other sites and I want to get it right on this one. Thank you. Note: You have to open (and possibly void the warranty) to find the necessary details required to submit a new entry.
1. Profile details:
Your name/nick: ?
Your e-mail: ? (for editing)
  Show e-mail address publicly
Verification code: ? Verification - Enter code: (case-sensitive)

2. Wii details:
Country: ?
Serial number: ? 0
  • The full serial number is required, 11-12 characters
  • Located at the bottom of the Wii, near the battery
Model number: ?
  • There are 5 different Wii regions world-wide
Copyright year: ?
  • It's printed near the model number, bottom label
DVD board serial: ? (starts A, AM, AMX, NMX, etc)
  • Ranges 6-10 characters, full preferred but optional
  • Printed on yellow background, near orange ribbon
Drive chip: ?
  • Find it near the ribbon-cable on the driveboard
? Required: On the DVD drive chip, are there any cut pins / legs?
? Required: Does the driveboard miss the third pad used for 1st gen-modchips, e.g. WiiKey?
? Required: Does the DVD drive have the new metal clip on top of the unit near the spinning cog?
? Required: Is the DVD drive chip covered in hard black glue (epoxy)?
? Required: Does the large D3 chip lack text typed on top of the chip, i.e. blank? It's the new D3-2 (v2).
Purchase shop name: ?
Purchase date: ? - -

3. Closing comments:
Comments: ?
  • Firmware, modchip, problems, discoveries, etc.

* Fields marked with BOLD are required.